Deploying a package on the GitHub Package Repository (GPR) have already been covered. Now let’s have a deeper look at how to use that published package in your project.
This time I’ll use the Kotlin package randomK which is a package that takes a class and instantiate a random object from it.
Create a GitHub Personal Access Token
To have access to the GPR packages, you need to use your GitHub account with a personal access token. It’s easy enough to deploy your package but the usage is a bit inconvenient compared to public maven repositories.
Go to Settings > Developer settings > Personal access tokens and select this option:
It only needs read access to the GPR. Personal access tokens, may also be referred as PAT in the literature. The token will only be shown once, so make sure you save it in a secret or somewhere safe before exiting the page.
Add the dependency
Add the GPR as a repository inside your build.gradle.kts:
maven {
url = uri("")
credentials {
username = project.findProperty("gpr.user") as String? ?: System.getenv("USERNAME")
password = project.findProperty("gpr.key") as String? ?: System.getenv("TOKEN")
Basically this defines the GitHub Package Registry as a maven repository in your gradle file (within the repositories { .. } declaration). When building, it will use it to reconcile the dependant package. It uses a username and password stored in some environment variables.
You can set those variables using:
export USERNAME="my-github-username"
export TOKEN="my-github-personal-access-token"
Then add the randomK dependency:
dependencies {
Now you can enjoy this package in your code. To get the latest version available check out the package section in the repository page.
Start using it in your code
That’s it your all set, you can now use your new package.
You can create a random instance with randomK
in your kotlin file like:
val example: Example = randomK()
val otherExample = randomK<OtherExample>()
😉 It will create a random instance.
In your CI/CD pipeline
For your CI/CD pipeline, let’s use GitHub action,
you will need to pass the USERNAME
in order to build your package and run the tests.
It’s better to use environment variables for that.
Add access to your secret in your action.yaml via:
USERNAME: ${{ secrets.USERNAME }}
TOKEN: ${{ secrets.TOKEN }}
This will map the secret TOKEN
to the TOKEN
environment variable in the pipeline, same for the USERNAME
With GitHub action, you can also use already available values directly without setting a secret:
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- uses: actions/checkout@v2
- name: Set up JDK 11
uses: actions/setup-java@v2
java-version: '11'
distribution: 'adopt'
cache: gradle
- name: Build and test with Gradle
run: gradle clean build test
working-directory: Example
USERNAME: ${{ }}
TOKEN: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
With this, you are all set to start using any GPR hosted maven package 📦