In this article, I wanted to talk about clean code, but I don’t like the nearly religious symbolic meaning attached to it. There’s not one way to “clean code”, it’s more a collection of experimented rule of patterns that can help you write clear (easy-to-read), maintainable, efficient code.

So instead of arguing on how you should be writing code, I’ll demo the pattern I use to refactor the pieces of code that I find lacking in some aspect.

For our examples, we’ll use Kotlin. So it’s obviously opinionated because what Kotlin does some other languages don’t and vis versa. Nevertheless, the fundamental behind each tip should be useful independently of the language.


For the example let’s say we have a data class named User which is a domain entity used within our softwareL

data class User(val id: String?, val number: Int)

Data class usually don’t hold much logic and are used to serve as plain data object (like POJO in java). Now then we have the long obnoxious method that is designed to “validate” a user:

private fun validateUser(user: User): Boolean {
    if ( == null) {
        // To make sure it is not null
        return false

    if (user.number % 2 == 0) {
        println("$user is lucky")
        val validSize = 10
        if ( == validSize) {
            return true
        } else {
            return false
    } else {
        return false

I hope you can spot that something is fishy here, and it’s not only the validation design but also the code itself. We will use this example and try to improve the code, building it upon the patterns that we will be demonstrating.


Before any refactoring work, you should ensure that what you are touching is properly tested. Let’s not break prod because of a refactoring frenzy. Once properly backed you will have more confidence in touching the code.

For small level functions like the one from our example, it should be covered through unit tests. In your case, the targeted code to refactor might also be called at a higher level through an integration or end-to-end test. Just be sure to check that those exist.

import org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.assertEquals
import org.junit.jupiter.api.DynamicTest
import org.junit.jupiter.api.TestFactory

To do the testing, we’re using the TestFactory from Junit v5 to try all of our use cases. From what we see, the validation design seems to follow those rules:

  • Invalid when:
    • User’s id is null
    • User’s id is less than 10 characters
    • User’s number is odd

So besides the happy path we can see 3 other paths where the user is invalid each corresponding to one return in the function. Now there are also two other use cases that should still be working based on how the code is written:

  • Invalid when:
    • User’s id is 10 characters long and number is odd
    • User’s id is null but number is even

Let’s display all of them in our test:

fun multiplyIntTest() = listOf(
    listOf(User(null, 1), false),
    listOf(User("id", 1), false),
    listOf(User("id", 2), false),
    listOf(User("0123456789", 2), true),
    listOf(User("0123456789", 1), false),
    listOf(User(null, 2), false),
).map { (user, expectedResult) ->
    DynamicTest.dynamicTest("Test:  ${user as User} is valid $expectedResult") {
        assertEquals(expectedResult, validateUser(user))

If you are not familiar with the codebase, those hidden criteria could either be “bugs” or un tested acceptance criteria of the feature. Modifying the code without those cases passing may result in different behaviour during run time.

Refactor pattern

Let’s look at the different pattern we can spot in this code and see how they can be addressed. There might some cases where you think it’s necessary, in those cases … think again, it might be part of a bigger refactor. Anyhow, don’t stay stuck on a piece of code forever if you don’t see any way to improve it, either ask for another set of eyes to help you or keep it as is for now.

Your capacity to write code evolves all the time, and each new piece of code you write should be better than the previous one, so if you don’t fix it now your future self might do it. It’s alright if everything is not perfect 🤷‍♀️


Usually they are to be avoided, either because they are useless like the one in our problem or because they are a sign that the way your function has been built is too complex.

The pattern to get rid of comments is non-trivial in particular situation where you deal with complexity. So here are some pointers:

  • Extract pieces of code under a comment to a function with an appropriate name
    • so you understand the code via the function’s name
  • Use better variable name
  • Review the software’s design
    • Bad design sometime needs to be re-think to remove the inherent complexity

As per the documentation as code type of project, I would not recommend it to an inexperience team as they mostly belong in rigorous libraries. If it’s not going to be maintained or reviewed, it’s better not to write it at all.

if / else returning Boolean

Usually if you see a condition being tested returning true or false you should be returning the condition itself:

// ❌ Condition on a boolean returning a boolean
if (isTrue) {
    return true
} else {
    return false

// ✅ Return the boolean directly
return isTrue

With that we should gain in clarity, 4 lines less to read, and it should be easier to follow with one less if in the way.

Single use variables

If you are going to create a variable that is going to be used only once, then don’t do it. Variables are super useful to describe objects and value throughout your code, but they do bear a “cognitive” cost. You have to keep in mind which variable is corresponding to what where it has been instantiated/modified, so it’s better not to over use them.

In the case where you think you need it, to make your code more readable or understandable, then think harder. Usually what you need to do is not extract the value, into a variable, but extract the logic leading to that value into a method.

In the Clean code book by Robert C. Martin, function returning boolean are directly assigned to a variable. Although it could make sense, it is to be considered with caution!

Let’s explain it with a simplified example to show the unnecessary usage of variable and how it can be replaced by an extracted function:

// ❌ Useless single use variable
fun validate() {
  val validSize = 10
  if ( == validSize) {
    return user
  } else {
    throw Exception()

// ✅ Extracted behaviour
fun validate() {
  return == 10

This example is using a skimmed version of our problem and may not be used as is. But I didn’t want to showcase the case where having val hasValidId = == 10 as presented in Clean code would make sense since it may stop one’s refactoring effort.

The duality in this example illustrates well that there’s not only one way to improve your the code. And some pattern may not apply depending on your goal and the current situation of the code. Refactoring is usually applying more than one pattern.

Multiple return

The case of multiple return or having more than one “exit point”. Historically this pattern has been seen in older computing language where you explicitly need to manage the resources (i.e. C). However, nowadays you see this “exit early” pattern coming into play because newer languages are more efficient at collecting resources.

In my point of view, while I agree that the “exit early” pattern may make the code more readable in some cases, I find in most cases it tends to crowd the method with unnecessary returns, let’s showcase it in a simplified example:

// ❌ Have multiple return, returning the same value
fun validate() {
    if (!isNotNull) return false
    if (!isEven) return false
    if (!hasValidSize) return false

// ✅ Have all cases together
fun validate() {
    return isNotNull && isEven && hasValidSize

Unless you are returning a specific object or having a specific behaviour it’s pointless to have different return for the same outcome.

In this example the “return early” does not apply, still it doesn’t mean it never applies. Use your own judgement to make the call. Unfortunately, it may happen that you find yourself in a situation where saving a few lines is not worth it in terms of clarity.


This is the good part, encapsulation is when you restrict the access to internal data of an object. It goes with implementing the method operating on the data directly within the object itself.

This mechanism is not unique to Object Orient Programming (OOP) since most data object in multiple languages and programming paradigm offer some form of encapsulation.

In our example, we see that all the checks done via the validate method on the user is made through information already existing within the user. So we should be able to repatriate all those methods using the user’s data within the user itself.

// ❌ Using internal value outside the object
private fun validateUser(user: User): Boolean {
  if (user.number % 2 == 0) {
    // ...
  } else {
    // ...

// ✅ Encapsulating the function
data class User(val id: String?, val number: Int) {
  fun isEven() = this.number % 2 == 0

private fun validateUser(user: User): Boolean {
  if (user.isEven()) {
    // ...
  } else {
    // ...

Now is you continue refactoring, you will realize that everything in validateUser is actually using all the user’s internal information, so that the whole method could actually be encapsulated within the user itself. Refactoring one step at a time allows you to slowly transform your code to a better state. Step by step, you should be able to see patterns emerging as you refactor and choose which you would like to follow.

Naming convention

Naming things can be one of the most time-consuming part of writing code, because they deliver a lot of value in actively participating in the understanding of your code.

Beside the classic naming convention used in each language (camelCase, snake_case, ALL_CAPS), there’s also some convention that can apply to any language.

For in example in our use case:

// ❌ Method returning a boolean shouldn't be named with a verb
fun validate(): Boolean

// ✅ Use a question format: isValid -> true or false
fun isValid(): Boolean

But there’s more than that rule, let’s give some more other pointers for better name:

  • Avoid long name as they hard to read
    • ex: let’s not have that isTheUserIdAndNumberValid, keep it simple isValid if possible
  • Avoid repeating words that can be deduced from the context
    • ex: having a productName inside a Product class, name should be sufficient
  • Avoid contracting words as they can create confusion for un initiated people
    • ex: using usr instead of user
  • Avoid unnecessary verbs which may be redundant
    • ex: using user.getName() instead of, we know we’re getting the name
  • Ensure you use a coherent naming convention within your project and remove duplicated names
    • ex: having a UserService interface with a UserServiceImpl implementation, either you don’t need the interface or you should find a better name.

As long as everybody on the team gets the same understanding from reading your code then it should be good. An “anti-pattern” would be to keep on renaming everything which may cause people to get lost into an ever-changing codebase. Also make sure that if you rename a variable everything linked to it gets renamed as well (in strings, tests, file name), don’t break prod with a typo.


After looking at all the above pattern for refactoring we can now use and adapt them to our problematic piece of code, let’s see what one of the approach could be:

data class User(val id: String?, val number: Int) {
    fun isValid() = == 10 && this.number % 2 == 0

This new implementation passes through all of our test cases, calling user.isValid() instead of using the validateUser method which mo longer exists. That’s now 18 lines written with 1. Now if you are wondering, “is it the best code ever?” the answer is “it depends”, because there’s not just one way to write code. At this point in time, I don’t see any other pattern I could apply, so I stop the refactoring here considering the state of the code as good enough.

It’s important to keep a good balance time / benefits when you refactor, also in this case, the design behind this validation seems a bit absurd (checking the length and if it’s odd or even). Keeping an alignment between the business requirements and the working software design is crucial for long term maintainability.