We have talked previously about NestJS to create a REST backend API, but its purpose is greater, and it can also be used with GraphQL. If you are new to GraphQL, check out this article for some of the basics.


Create a new NestJS application, and use the generate resource command for GraphQL to get started.

npm install -g @nestjs/cli
nest new example -p npm
# Generate a new resource, select GraphQL
npm g resource book

Or follow the quick start guide on the NestJS documentation.


Schema first or code first?

One of the issue with GraphQL, is that you have the schema which represents what can be queried, and then you have the resolvers which should match that schema and resolves the values for it.

In order to avoid duplication and possible mistakes, you can either decide to choose as a source of truth:

  • The code which means the implementation will drive the creation of the schema
    • Perfect for a simple standalone GraphQL API
    • Perfect when you don’t need to manage the schema
  • The schema which means the schema will be used to build the implementation objects
    • Perfect when you need to integrate with other teams (both can agree on the schema in advance)
    • Perfect to enforce GraphQL schema standard and a better GraphQL file structure

Both schema-first and code-first option are worth considering depending on your use case, but we are going to explore the “code first” option here.

I do prefer the “schema first” approach, because you have to think it through before implementing. But we have already talked about this approach with GraphQL codegen, and NestJS has a similar approach where it can dynamically or manually generate the objects from the schema.

Nest - GraphQL Integration

By default, NestJS is pushing for Apollo under the hood for the GraphQL driver. To enable the GraphQL integration add the GraphQLModule from @nestjs/graphql in your AppModule. This is a configuration for a code-first approach with GraphQL:

  imports: [
      driver: ApolloDriver,
      autoSchemaFile: join(process.cwd(), 'src/schema.gql'),
      playground: true,
      context: ({ req }) => new AppContext(req),
  controllers: [AppController],
  providers: [AppService],

export class AppModule {}

For the GraphQL module option, we have:

  • The driver to set the driver for the GraphQL module.
  • The autoSchemaFile to set the path to generate the schema from the code.
  • The playground is an apollo feature that lets you explore the GraphQL API when browsing to localhost:3000/graphql.
  • The context function will be called once for each request, the created context will be passed down to each resolver. (It is usually used for authentication)

There are more options available, but those are the essential ones to get started.

The schema gets auto-generated when autoSchemaFile is set when the app is started npm start.

If you have already created the GraphQL resource earlier, then you should have pretty much everything you need. Else you can create a resolver using the nest cli:

nest g resolver book

This will create the book/book.resolver.ts file to handle resolving the book resource. For the unit tests, you can call the resolver function directly and assert the retrieved object.

Resolver Implementation

GraphQL entity

As for the REST controller, NestJS has a whole set of annotations for resolvers. Let’s create our Book entity:

import { Field, Int, ObjectType } from '@nestjs/graphql';

@ObjectType({ description: 'Book' })
export class Book {
  @Field(() => Int, { description: 'Id of the Book' })
  id: number;
  @Field({ description: 'Title of the Book' })
  title: string;
  @Field(() => String, { description: 'Author of the Book' })
  author: string;

We have multiple annotations, you may have heard of them as decorators in typescript:

  • The @ObjectType defines the class as a GraphQL type
  • The @Field defines a GraphQL field of the type
    • Adding a member to a class without this annotation won’t be resolved by the GraphQL API (but will be returned in the unit test)
    • You can specify the GraphQL return type of the field, by default number is a GraphQL Float, we set it to Int with () => Int
    • Setting the GraphQL return type is optional when the typescript type can be directly converted to the GraphQL one (e.g. with String).

There’s an option for all the GraphQL decorator to add the description of the field. This will be used when generating the schema as GraphQL documentation.

GraphQL Query

Now that we have the entity, we can create a method to resolve it in the created resolver file generated by the CLI.

export class BookResolver {
  @Query(() => Book, { name: 'book' })
  async getBook(
    @Args('id', { type: () => Int }) id: number,
    @Context() context: AppContext,
  ) {
    return new Book(id);

Let’s decompose what we have here:

  • The @Resolver annotation which define a GraphQL resolver class in NestJS for both queries and mutations
    • You can specify the return type of the resolver and use @ResolveField if you want a custom field resolver for a GraphQL Object. In this case you can use the @Parent to get the parent-resolved object
  • The @Query annotation which tells NestJS to resolve the book query using the getBook method.
    • The name is optional, the GraphQL query will use the method name by default.
  • The @Args annotation defines a GraphQL argument of the query, named id, and we use the type to specify that the number should be a GraphQL Int.
  • The @Context annotation is used to get the context (from the executed function from the GraphQL module).
    • This is optional, in this example we don’t use it.

As you may have noticed, I didn’t need to create a Book dto, I can just return my entity and it works.

GraphQL Schema

Based on the implementation of our Book entity and its query resolver, at the start of the application, the generated graphql will look like this:

type Book {
  """Id of the Book"""
  id: Int!

  """Title of the Book"""
  title: String!

  """Author of the Book"""
  author: String!

type Query {
  book(id: Int!): Book!

As you can see the description from the annotation for each field is using """ on top of it.

End-to-end test

To make an end-to-end test to your GraphQL API, you need to use same structure as in the app.e2e-spec.ts that was auto-generated when building the application so it can mount the application from the AppModule which will have the resolvers in it.

Then you can add your test as:

it('queries the book', async () => {
  const payload = await request(app.getHttpServer())
      query: `query bookQuery($id: Int!) {
        book(id: $id) {
      variables: { id: 1 },
  expect(payload.body.data.book).toEqual({ id: 1, author: 'author', title: 'title' });

In this test a GraphQL request to query the book is being made. As you can see the GraphQL endpoint is /graphql and using supertest’s request object we can craft a GraphQL query to try against the server. If the queries become too bulky, save the same as constant or build them using fragments with gql:

import { gql } from 'graphql-request';

// GraphQL fragment
const bookFragment = gql`
      fragment book on Book {
// Query to send
const bookQuery = gql`
      query bookQuery($id: Int!) {
          book(id: $id) {

As you can see, in this case it’s bulkier, but as you expand your API, having fragments of the returned object will make the query lighter. Now to try it out in the test, you can just use query: bookQuery which at least makes it much less verbose. 👌

We had talked about fragments in this article about advanced resolver in GraphQL, you might want to check it out. On the topic of today’s article, that’s all I have for now! 🙂