JavaScript is a very permissive (some would say multi-paradigm) programmatic language and its syntax can be quite intriguing when you have never heard of the EcmaScript (ES) specification or certain programming style.

So here I have compiled some basics that you should know about.


Arrow Function

Arrow function is used to define anonymous lambda function with less syntax. But what’s very interesting about them it’s the flexibility with witch you can declare a function, and start removing pieces of it.

function hello() { return 'Hello World' }
var hello = function () { return 'Hello World' }
var hello = () => { return 'Hello World' }
var hello = () => ('Hello World')
var hello = () => 'Hello World'

Any of the above could be called using hello(), JavaScript is very welcoming 👋.
Here is another example, taking some arguments:

var sum = (a, b) => a + b;
sum(1, 3) // returns 4

Anonymous functions is not a JS thing, but the countless way of declaring them, might throw you off.

High Order Function

High Order Function (HOF) pertain to the functional programming world. They take a functions as parameter and return a function as a result like map, reduce or filter.

Let’s try to make our own with the JS syntax:

var square = (x) => (x * x);
const twice = (f) => (x) => (f(f(x)));
twice(square)(3) // returns 81

We can also make it overly complicated. You could take the sum function from before and turn it into something more complicated like:

const sumButler = (x, y) => (sumFunction) => (() => sumFunction(x, y));
sumButler(1, 3)(sum)(); // returns 4 

Let’s decompose it, you have:

  • sumButler function that ask for the first two parameters, then the function that will apply on them.
  • sumButler(1, 3)(sum) returns the arrow function from the two set of parameter
  • You need () to execute the return function in order to yield the final result.

And of course you can even nest these bad boys and go as crazy as you like. 😈

Immediately Invoked Function Expression (IIFE)

Those are like rare Pokemon, you never see them. They execute right away! Basically the trick is to use parenthesis …everywhere:

;(function() {
  console.log('doing stuff')

The function has no name because it will never be called again, and the parenthesis framing it allows to execute it right away.

See it as another possible way of declaring and executing functions in JavaScript.

You don’t really need the ; at the beginning, but it is good practice when creating plugins to avoid unexpected behaviour by telling the interpreter that it is a new statement.

They are mainly used when using some JavaScript Module pattern, with “namespacing” or to initialize scripts on load.

JS Modules


Talking about Javascript Modules, you may want to use an external package or plugin. To use function, classes or anything from other files you may be required to import them 🙃.

While we have been focusing on EcmaScript which has a standard for JavaScript Modules. So is CommonJS which is another standard that has influenced the development of Node.js known as server-side JavaScript.

Let’s not digress too much into it, only to point out the major difference you may ever hear about it:

// CommonJS
const ReactRouterDOM = require('react-router-dom')
const NavLink = ReactRouterDOM.NavLink

// EcmaScript (ES6)
import { NavLink } from 'react-router-dom'

CommonJS uses require which loads everything synchronously while EcmaScript (ES6) can do selective import (tree shaking) and load asynchronously. We will be continuing with EcmaScript standards in this article.


For those modules to be “importable” you first need to export them. Basically making them “public” and visible from outside their file. With some linter and to avoid interferences you’ll be warned with any anonymous exports, and asked to use the export default on your class, function, object.

There can be only one export default that will get referenced as the file name.

So if you want to export more than one function, you can always do:

const NamelessService = {

export default NamelessService;

And use it in another file like:

import NamelessService from '../NamelessService';


No more mister anonymous 🕵️ and it’s always tidier when everything is under one name. Which brings us to namespacing!


Namespacing is a way to encapsulate functionality under one namespace to avoid naming collision when declaring variable. Indeed, you should keep the global variable free of unnecessary declaration.

There are multiple ways of doing it, but the preferred one would be following the module pattern using an IIFE:

var App = (function() {
    var id = 0;
    return {
        name: 'App',
        next: () => ++id,
        reset: () => id = 0

The App will be assigned to an object that has two methods and one value that can be called:

  • Will increase the private value id.
  • App.reset() Will reset the private value id to 0.
  • Will return App initially.

Also, if you try to update the values: = "test"; = 5;

Then the will change.
However the private value id will remain the same (meaning won’t return 6), instead a new field will be created { id: 5 } inside App.

Scope and variable declaration: var, let, const

When declaring a variable you can access its value based on its scope. The scope, is where the declared variable is accessible. Usually top level declarations used in JS modules are scoped to the module or file.

// global / module scope
function foo() {
  // foo scope 
  function bar() { 
    // bar scope

As in other language, a var declaration inside a function is not accessible outside that same function. However, without a var the declaration could be associated with the global objects and be visible from every scope.

So you could assign it then adding a var to declare the variable, thanks to hoisting, it won’t pollute the global scope. Because JavaScript implicitly process the variable declaration before executing the code. You may have seen:

"use strict";

The strict mode is to avoid any implicit declaration, an error will be thrown if you don’t declare well your variable. Thus avoiding ill placed declaration and reduce scope pollution.

There are three keywords to declare variables:

  • Using var, the default one. It is the most flexible in term of scope, can be redeclared and reassigned.
  • Using let which mostly used for function or private values. They are blocked in the same scope level unlike var, needs to be declared first even without strict mode.
  • Using const which could be considered as static values that are declared once and immutable. And like let they are also scope blocked.

Other quirks

Null check

You can do null check with the operator ?? which can be useful when you want to set a default value if a variable end up being null, undefined. Let’s have an example where:

var a = null;
var b = undefined;
console.log((a ?? 'it') + " " + (b ?? 'works!'))
// Prints out "it works!"

For a NaN, which is a Number property Number.NaN meaning Not A Number, the ?? will have no effects.

String templating

To facilitate printing logs or concatenating streams you can use a backtick (not the same as a single quote):

  • backtick: → ` ←
  • single quote: → ‘ ←.

The backtick is slightly tilted.

This is called string templating, and it is wonderful! 🎉 This will allow you to template your string, with ${} and the variable you want to print within:

var name = 'John'
console.log('hello ' + name + '!')
console.log(`hello ${name}!`)

Both will return hello John!, the backticks makes it much more readable and condensed.


This article ended up being far longer than expected, JavaScript is a rabbit hole full of weird syntax that just make you go why?? 🤯
We’re just on the surface of it, I mention the things that I felt were useful in new coming JavaScript developer.

And if you were looking for real crazy JS stuff, there’s already a whole repository dedicated to it! Behold WTF JS which was inspired by Brian Leroux’s talk, it is a community made collection of the best JavaScript logic conundrum.