
The protocol

OAuth stands for Open Authorization, it’s a protocol that uses token instead of password to securely exchange information on the internet. When you log in to a website using your Google, Facebook, Microsoft or Apple account, you are not sharing your password, yet you can connect to the website and share some of your profile information. It’s all thanks to OpenID for the authentication part and OAuth protocol for the authorization.

Authentication is to check who you say you are and Authorization is to check what you have access to. Usually unauthenticated users have limited access to resources and APIs. That’s why both concepts are pretty mixed within OAuth.

There was a bit of controversy between OAuth 1.0 and OAuth 2.0 (more complex than OAuth 1.0 for simple use case), but now that the newest version is the enterprise standard, that’s the one we’ll be focusing on.

The token(s)

So OAuth is the protocol that defines how tokens should be transferred for the authorization. Obviously they need to be kept secret, encrypted and sent over HTTPS. The tricky part is to make sure you can verify that token, so that you maintain interaction with your API and resources secured. So you’ll need special tokens for that.

There are multiple types of token that can be used, the most generic one is access token. The access token is usually used to gain access to an API and perform specific actions defined in the scope You can create your own access token, but it needs to follow RFC 6750 to work with the OAuth flow.

Then you have the ID token, which is application specific which pass along some more information from the user to allow the API to perform certain action on the user’s behalf. It’s confusing. Those are usually JSON Web Token (JWT) standard defined in RFC 7519.

ID Token: JWT

A JWT also pronounced "jot", is composed of three parts divided by dots. It holds all the information necessary for its verification, a header, a payload and it’s self-signed signature:


JWT Header

The header can be decrypted as JSON object:

  "any-header-key": "any-value-header",
  "alg": "HS256",
  "typ": "JWT"

You can add any number of custom fields, but it’s recommended to keep your token light since they’ll be sent over HTTPS on each request. The two defined types are:

  • alg which is the signing algorithm used.
  • type which is the token type, here it’s JWT.

JWT Payload

The payload is also referred to as the claims of the token, what it claims to be. It’s also a JSON object that can be defined such as:

  "name": "John Doe",
  "permissions": [
  "any-payload-key": "any-payload-value",
  "aud": "audience - recipient",
  "sub": "subject - the user",
  "iss": "issuer",
  "iat": 1636127082,
  "exp": 1636127382

In this case too, you can define your own values, for example here I have defined:

  • name to be the name of the user sending the token
  • permissions to hold the permissions of my user, they should match its scope (from the access token)
  • any-payload-key because I can really put anything 🙃

The rest are some reserved field (each is a claim), and since this standard seems to like cryptic 3 letters key, I added the signification as value for the example.

The iat is issue at time, and exp is expiration time in epoch milliseconds. You can also have a jti which is a unique id. When set, it should enforce the single use of the token. (Duplicate IDs will be rejected)

JWT Signature

The signature follow a simple recipe using the set signing algorithm:

  base64UrlEncode(header) + "." +

Here with the HMAC SHA256 algorithm, the creator of the token also makes the secret. The secret should be more complicated than your-256-bit-secret to keep unwanted folks away. On verification, you check that the signature and the content are matching.

Call flow

After all the theory, let’s have a look in the call flow. This is an example where you first get an access token, then you get a JWT ID token to access the API function subsequently. In this example the access token is obtained via client credentials (different from the authentication credential), this is mainly used for machine-to-machine communication.

Since JWT is mostly an application token; the client and App could be both API’s, one calling the other.

sequenceDiagram participant C as Client participant S as Authorization
Service participant A as App C ->> S: Use Client credentials /oauth2/token Note right of S: Validates Client ID and Secret S ->> C: Send access token valid 24hrs loop Refresh JWT C ->> S: Request JWT using
access token in header /authorize S ->> C: Send JWT valid 5min end C -->> A: Access API using JWT via /api/v1/endpoint A -->> S: Check JWT (validity, permissions) S -->> A: JWT is valid Note right of S: After expiration the JWT
needs to be refreshed A -->> C: Returns API results

So the JWT obtained here is used for both authentication following OpenID’s protocol, as you don’t need to log in again to interact with the App. But also OAuth which is tied to the authentication process, because the JWT also holds some authorization information from the access token.


Let’s add some implementation example now, to better explain what exactly is happening in the arrows. Those are simplified examples for this context.

Access token call flow

To get the access_token, you would need to request it to the authorization server at POST /oauth2/token, which is a standard looking OAuth compliant endpoint:

  "body": {
    "client_id": "my-client-id",
    "client_secret": "my-client-secret",
    "grant_type": "client_credentials",
    "scope": "application.resources.read"

Let’s look at the body, we directly see grant_type which correspond to the way you’ll get the access token (there are multiple grant types). Here it’s set to client_credentials, meaning you’ll use your client id and secret to get it. This is the client_id and client_secret specified there. We can also use another flow and pass the client credentials encoded in Base64 in the Header (Also called via BasicAuth aka basic access authentication).

The client id and secret belongs to the client / application, they were probably generated on account creation, or through a setting to create an OAuth client in the App. They are used to authenticating into the App and get the authorization JWT token.

There’s also the scope, which we talked about previously which define the permission you’re requesting with this access token.

Once processed, you should retrieve an access token response such as:

  "token_type": "Bearer",
  "access_token": "MTQ0NjJkZmQ5OTM2NDE1ZTZjNGZmZjI3"

There could be more field, depending on the type of access token, or how it has been implemented.

JWT call flow

Now that you have your access token, you want to get an ID token such as a JWT to get access to your API.


To get a JWT you would make a request to a standard looking OAuth compliant /authorize endpoint with your access token that you have just received. The authorization server will compare that access token with the one on memory and if it matches send you back your JWT. In this system, the “authorize” endpoint would act as both to give and refresh the JWT using the same access token.

  "header": {
    "Authorization": "Bearer {{access_token}}"

Once processed you should receive a JWT, the same way you received the previous access token. But this time you can use your JWT to directly call the App! Let’s send a request GET /api/v1/endpoint of the APP to get some resources:

  "header": {
    "Authorization": "Bearer {{jwt_token}}"
    "input": "API input"

As before the JWT is a Bearer token as defined in OAuth RFC 6750, the request got authorized successfully. We are now able to interact securely with the App. This is because our JWT is both authenticating and authorizing us to access the API and its resources in this context.