Let’s have a look at mutations! 🔭
The type Mutation
is where you stack all of your mutations in GraphQL. The basic mechanism stay the same as
queries, so if you have read the Apollo 🚀 and GraphQL and the Advanced 🛰 Apollo Graphql queries article,
you should be all set!
We have mutations, to separate explicitly in GraphQL the calls that:
- fetch information from the API → Query
- modify information using the API → Mutation
As they say in this Mutation vs Query article from the Apollo blog, following the CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete), we have the queries for the R and the mutations for the CUD operations. 😛
In GraphQL
There are multiple guidelines out there on how to name and design your mutations.
GraphQL guidelines presented as linter rules are available on Apollo GraphQL Docs.
But the basic is that you’ll add a new field on the Mutation
type that will most likely take some parameters and
return the resulted object.
Let’s get to it!
The input, the mutation takes as an argument should be one parameter of type MutationNameInput
It’s a pattern used, for example, by GitHub or Shopify on their public GraphQL API.
type Mutation {
addBook(input: AddBookInput)
input AddBookInput {
title: String!
authorName: String!
The input is of type AddBookInput
here and takes the title and the author’s name to create a book.
Payload vs Result
Another rule is that we need to have one unique return type. GraphQL’s mutation can become very granular with as many mutations as action that can be performed on an entity (Add, Rename, Disable, Update, Promote, Delete, …).
On this side we have Zalando or Twitter’s engineer that recommend using the pattern Result
, while other
like GitHub or Shopify are talking about the Payload
extend type Mutation {
addBook(input: AddBookInput): AddBookPayload
addAuthor(input: AddAuthorInput): AddAuthorResult
As long as there’s only one type per mutation, either name is ok. What changes is the error handling is usually done differently depending on the naming.
Errors comes in two kinds:
- Technical errors
- Malformed requests, e.g. wrong types or syntax.
- Error thrown in the resolver, e.g. bad authentication, resource not found.
- Any kind of network error.
- Business errors (that break the software business rules):
- e.g. Purchase a book not released yet
- e.g. Set a book title with a title that goes over the max size limit.
On the first version, all mutations would return HTTP 200 OK (now we can set up some other http codes if need). But the mindset remains, to let the user know if there’s any business error, while returning a 200 OK.
UserErrors in Payload
With the payload, you’ll have a unique per-mutation user error union that represents all the possible business failure cases. They will all implement the UserError interface.
interface UserError {
"The error message."
message: String!
"The path to the input field that caused the error, sometime named path"
field: [String!]
I find field more obvious, since it’s to reflect which input field if any caused the issue. But it’s shown as a path. If
there was something wrong with the title field for AddBookInput
, the path would be ["input", "title"]
type AddBookPayload {
book: Book
userError: [AddBookError]
union AddBookError = InvalidBookTitle | InvalidAuthorName | DuplicatedBookError
The example payload has its own set of errors.
The AddBookError
is a union meaning it regroups all the types between |
which in this case implements,
the previously defined interface:
type InvalidBookTitle implements UserError {
message: String!
field: [String!]
The payload’s book is the book created by the mutation. Since the whole updated object is returned, you don’t need to re-query it behind.
Custom Errors in Results
As shown in this article, the twitter way is to use Result as a union and pass down to it all diverse types the mutation can return, be it entity, error or a mix.
union AddAuthorResult = AuthorCreated | InvalidAuthorName | InvalidAuthorBooks
type AuthorCreated {
author: Author!
type InvalidAuthorBooks implements UserError {
message: String!
field: [String!]
We can also use UserError
in this case, or even go further and have another union for the errors. This is great when
the schema has been figured out and won’t evolve since you can really tailor your query to each field.
But it does make evolving the graph difficult, since it’ll get tightly coupled to the types and query used on the client side.
You can keep your query generic, but then you lose on the benefits of Result, so why not use the userError handling in with Payload instead. There’s this article “A Guide to GraphQL Errors” by Marc-Andre Giroux’s that I appreciated, it may help you too.
Mutation on the client side
Let’s have a look at how to use those mutations on the client side now.
Mutation addBook
Using the Payload pattern:
mutation($input: AddBookInput) {
addBook(input: $input) {
book { title }
userErrors {
# Interface contract
... on UserError {
We use the interface to get all errors in this case, but we could also use ... on
each error types. You can pass
variable to the mutation using the $
sign, here the input would look like:
"input": {
"title": "Frankenstein",
"authorName": "Mary Shelley"
The variable is a json object.
Mutation addAuthor
Using the Result pattern:
mutation {
addAuthor(input: { name: "Mary Shelley", bookTitles: ["Frankenstein"] }) {
... on AuthorCreated { author { name } }
... on InvalidAuthorName { message }
... on InvalidAuthorBooks { message }
Each possible result needs to be addressed so that you don’t miss it, which makes it hard to maintain in case we add new fields or types.
But it does read nicely for each defined case.
Resolver field
In a previous article, we went through the implementation of more complex queries, and in a way it’s very similar
to how we would implement a new mutation.
For a mutation, we need to add a resolver function corresponding to a field in the Mutation
graphql type.
So we will now have:
import { addBook } from './resolvers/Mutation/addBook';
import { addAuthor } from './resolvers/Mutation/addAuthor';
const Resolvers = {
Mutation: {
For the implementation of the function, they both use the same underlying principles. So we’ll review only one of them.
Resolver function
So we’ve re-created the interfaces / classes necessary to match our GraphQL schema for the entities, input,
payload, and errors.
Now that the resolver’s function has been set in the schema, we can create a function that will handle it.
Let’s focus on addBook
export async function addBook(
parent: null,
{ input }: { input: AddBookInput },
{ dataSources }: AppContext
): Promise<AddBookPayload> {
const errors: AddBookError[] = validateInput(input);
const addedBook = errors.length ? undefined : await dataSources.books.createBook(input.title, input.authorName);
return { book: addedBook, userError: errors };
Let’s recap on the input for this mutation:
- The parent is always null because this resolver is for a mutation
- The expected input needs to be an object hence the redundancy with
{ input }
not being directly an AddBookInput.
We use an async function, because the call to the dataSource to create a book returns a Promise
that we await in the case where there are no user errors detected via the validateInput
The validation function is where you place your business logic to run against the input.
It will return user error such as InvalidBookTitle
or InvalidAuthorName
Context and DataSource
With mutation, you usually need a database to save permanently the changes you’ve made. In Apollo, you’d need a dataSource, which is an interface to your database. Those dataSources are accessible via the context we’ve seen in the mutation. Let’s see how the dataSource(s) are passed to the ApolloServer:
const apolloServer: ApolloServer = new ApolloServer({
The dataSources
could be one or more sources (like a database, cache, queues, and so on).
You can also have the http context, everything is defined within the GraphQLServerOptions
export interface GraphQLServerOptions<
TContext = Record<string, any>,
TRootValue = any
> {
schema: GraphQLSchema;
dataSources?: () => DataSources<TContext>; // For your datasources
context?: TContext | (() => never); // For http interceptor
//...other attributes
In our case, we would define one of the books holding all the necessary logic to create the new book in the db.
That BookDataSource
would then be next to a AuthorDataSource
within my AppDataSources
which contains all the
datasource of my apps. That I can use from the Context in the mutation.
Find the working examples in sylhare/Apollo in the typescript folder.