Wait, is Node.js multi-threaded? A question you might be asking yourself. 🤓 Le’s have an in-depth look at how Node.js works, then dive into how to run multiple tasks concurrently in Node.js. Node.js engine Introduction Node.js is single-threade...
To increase the stability of your Kubernetes cluster, you can use horizontal auto-scaling. This means to automatically increase the number of deployed pods for an application based on the load it receives. This can be done dynamically without any ...
Congratulations! 🎉 You’ve joined a startup, and they greeted you with a sign-on bonus and a hefty number of options. Amidst all the hype of joining the unicorn 🦄 of your dream, you start realising that the financial lingo goes far above your head....
What’s Innersource? It can be summed up as applying the principles of open source within a company. This is usually a common practice in small tech companies, since during the start-up phase there are usually fewer people, and founding members are...
If you have worked with Kubernetes, you may have had to work with kubectl to run commands in your cluster. While it’s a powerful tool, I often go back to the documentation for commands that I use less often while troubleshooting. Don’t you always...
If you are new to NestJS or TypeORM, I’ve got you covered with some articles to get started with a Nest backend in Typescript and how to connect it to an SQL database. In this article, we are going to look at some more advanced SQL concepts you ...
Python decorators were introduced in v2.4 (in 2003! 💾) and allow you to enhance the behaviour of a function or method. When introduced in PEP 318, the goal was to make to extend the @classmethod syntactic support to other functions. It works as a...
Let’s talk about forms in React. What do you need and how to create them? Forms are a basic way to collect multiple data input from users, they are convenient because you can get all the data at once and submit it. Although nobody likes them or w...
Chakra UI provides a range of flexible and composable components that can be used to build complex layouts. Alignment and how to position components in a webpage are frequent questions, so I wanted to paste out here some examples to get started....
To connect a NestJS application to an SQL database, we are going to use typeorm which has a built-in integration with NestJS. The official documentation for typeorm integration with your NestJS application is pretty lengthy! Let’s hover the main ...