Generics exist in typescript, and they behave similarly to other typed languages like Java, Kotlin or C#. And they can become useful as generics do when creating function dealing with multiple types. But that’s not just it! However, the syntax ca...
In this article, we are going to delve more in the NestJS ecosystem with its built-in validation mechanism. It integrates with the class-validator and class-transformer packages from typestack. And even without NestJS, they bring a lot of value to...
Let’s talk about software architecture, how you come about them, how to make architecture decisions and what influences them, and finally, how to categorize the different type of architecture. Approaches There are usually three ways to go with ...
You can test your GraphQL API with graphql-cop which is a command-line tool to check for common security vulnerabilities. Let’s explore some of the tests it can run and how to prevent them. Types of attacks There are different types of attacks...
Google Cloud, also sometimes referred to as the GCP (Google Cloud Platform) is a cloud computing platform that offers hosting, storage, and a wide range of services to deploy and manage applications (Kubernetes, VMs, Serverless functions …). You...
K6 made by Grafana is an open-source load testing tool which offers the ability to write scenarios to simulate traffic on your system. The test scenarios can be written in Typescript (when transpiled into javascript) and offer a wide range of feat...
We have talked previously about NestJS to create a REST backend API, but its purpose is greater, and it can also be used with GraphQL. If you are new to GraphQL, check out this article for some of the basics. Installation Create a new NestJS ap...
NestJS is a framework to build server-side application with Node.js and using typescript by default. This framework more than just a web server comes with the promise to help developers build larger backend application following best practices. ...
Anaconda is a python package distributor that comes with all the most used datascience packages included in its full installation. But not all python developers are datascientists, and for the remaining which do not need all the datascience packa...
A Story about a Monolith … A Monolith is usually an enormous application with multiple functionalities within one repository. It is a good pattern to get started, because it allows faster development for a new application. Having one service in...