XSS or cross-site scripting is defined by the OWASP foundation as an attack of the injection category where malicious scripts are injected into “trusted” websites. This type of hack is very common with the increase of developers and website, the ...
ArgoCD describes itself as a declarative tool for Kubernetes, the CD refers to the continuous delivery. It falls inside our devops tool-belt. 🛠 By declarative, it means that ArgoCD will show you the expected state of your deployment without telli...
Let’s have a look at some acronyms used in the IT vocabulary that does not refer to an actual technology (like SQL). Let’s look at the one that may be more abstract, referring to a code pattern or principles to apply while approaching software dev...
You should already be familiar with GraphQL by now, but if you are still unsure about queries and mutations, don’t hesitate to click on the links to direct toward the article that talks about it. In this one, we’ll be looking at how to optimize ...
Let’s talk about APIs, usually in a microservice ecosystem you are bound to call one another. It can be via GraphQL, REST or gRPC all those calls can sometime fail or induce latency in your system. In this article we are going to review some har...
If you are not familiar with Kafka then I suggest this article to get the basics. But if you’ve landed here, it’s either because you are curious 🤓 or you want to know more about KafkaJS and how to implement it with typescript. I am assuming in t...
All Typescript configuration tips that you may need. Think of it as a cheat sheet to remember which without re-reading all the documentation regarding typescript compilation will tell you some configuration settings that work for some particular ...
Welcome into the React Testing part 2! If you’ve missed out part 1, that’s because it is obnoxiously but simply named: “Static React Testing”. In the previous article we talked about the library used, the setup and some basic API offered by the te...
Memcached is an open source caching system, it provides an in-memory key-value store for small chunks of data and is particularly used to save results from database or API calls. Memcached has a multithreaded architecture, so you can scale up by a...
Debezium is an open-source project. Once deployed and started it will capture change in data within a database and advertise it through Kafka. Let’s have a look at what we can do with this new technology! Concept It uses the change data capture ...