Kafka ® is part of the apache foundation and is described as a distributed streaming platform that is used for building real-time data pipelines and streaming apps. It is horizontally scalable, fault-tolerant, wicked fast, and runs in production ...
Introduction Cypress is a testing tool using Mocha test framework under the hood. It runs as a browser application enabling cross browser testing. It works on MAC, Linux, Windows. But it also it means it is hard to test what is happening from the...
From the journey to tcp connection at sylhare/tcp. I thought it would ne nice to store it all here. Introduction TCP stands for Transfer Control Protocol. TCP is connection-oriented, meaning an exclusive connection must first be established be...
Kotlin is made by JetBrains (the same as that did IntelliJ the IDE). See their website here: Kotlin Getting started Check out some real examples at Sylhare/Kotlin! Project Structure Assuming you know how to work with Gradle. You need...
Some tips, software and shortcut that are useful with mac. Mostly oriented for developers 101. Shortcuts ctrl + ⌘ + space for emojis 😉💪🏝🙆️ Delete a folder and file with delete instead of move to trash shift + ⌘ + . for showing hidden f...
Introduction We are going to host a kotlin based project as a maven package using all the dev tools that GitHub provides. GitHub Actions GitHub actions, is an integrated solution that allows you to create automated workflow. Mainly CI / CD for ...
Introduction So here a bit of details: Gradle is an open source build automation system. Kotlin is a general purpose, open source, statically typed programming language for both functional and object-oriented programming. A DSL (domain-sp...
Locust is a python based tool to load test website, REST APIs and else. You define the behavior of the tasks in python. You can read the doc at docs.locust.io. Installation Make sure you have libev and install python dependencies (Work with Pyth...
Components Hands-on Find a quick summary on the kubernetes main concept to refresh your memory in a previous article, or go straight ahead with the hands-on examples. Kubernetes setup To get a better grasp of Kubernetes components and commands,...
FFmpeg FFmpeg is a collection of libraries and tools to process multimedia content such as audio, video, subtitles and related metadata. It is a cross platform tool that we will use to make the conversion. Convert .mov to .mp4 To do it on wind...